Rick Tagtow
People You Should Know: Rick Tagtow

Rick Tagtow
Executive Director Midwestern Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture
1) How many different hats do you wear? We know youre involved with the ISA but who else?
In addition to being Executive Director of the Midwestern Chapter – ISA, I am also a consultant in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, working primarily with Law Firms, Insurance Companies and Utilities.
2) What are your favorite events?
Workshops, climbing competitions, seminars... Naturally, I’m quite partial to the two main events put on by the Midwestern Chapter – ISA… The Annual Conference and Trade Show and the Annual Tree Climbing Championships. I’m also a big fan of the Iowa State University Shade Tree Short Course and regularly attend the ISA International Conference and Trade Show.
3) Is there something you would like to see more focus on in the tree industry?
As a retired Arboriculture instructor at Northeast Iowa Community College, its probably not surprising that I firmly believe that educational opportunities for both professional arborists and aspiring arborists is the key to our industry’s future.
4) Besides EAB, what do you think is the biggest threat to our forests?
Urban development without prior consideration for existing trees and proper planning for adequate, high quality future tree planting space.
5) What advice do you have for people who want to get into the tree industry or even for those who are already here?
Join professional organizations like the Iowa Arborist Association and the Midwestern Chapter - ISA. Then attend as many educational events as possible and work hard to develop an extensive network of fellow arborists with whom you regularly communicate.
Contact information:
Email: rick_tagtow@msn.com
Phone: 319-415-6315
Website: mwisa.org