Jesse Randall
People You Should Know: Jesse Randall

Jesse Randall
Forester with the Iowa State Forestry Extension
1) How long have you been involved with trees?
My whole life. My father was a botanist and so I spent a lot time in the timber with him.
2) Why did you choose Forestry as a career path?
Because it was a natural fit. Working with my dad in the timber and then helping his grad students as I got older.
3) What are some of the public education programs you are responsible for?
I run Community Tree Steward, Master Woodland Manager, Chainsaw Safety and Tree Felling, Wild Land fire training, I’m responsible for all university owned forests and then the online training and publications
4) Is there a book in your library that you would be lost with out it? Or maybe an essential item you always take with you when you go to the field?
I use “Seeds of Woody Plants in North America” by James Young and then ” Mineral and Nutrient deficiencies” by North Central Forest Experiment Station. I Always take my cruising vest to the woods, it has my compass, clinometer, flagging tape, prism, diameter tape and bug spray.
5) What tree related question do you get asked most often?
What is wrong with my tree? 85 percent of time it is dead and dying. Usually the problem is the tree is planted too deep, has stem girdling roots or construction damage.
6) Last, do you have a favorite tree or a tree that you would like to see planted more often?
That would be the Sycamore.
For more information on Dr. Jesse Randall:
Click here to visit the ISU Forestry Staff Page