Tree FUND | Tour des Trees 2022: I Wanna Iowa!

By: Mike Cimprich, NE Representative, Iowa Arborist Association   I have been a cyclist at some level or another my entire life.  Whether I was riding to school, down the street to a friends’ or across town to the local swimming pool that had a high-dive board.  More recently in my adult life, I ride weekly with a local group …

Wood Decay Fungi – Book Review

Wood Decay Fungi Common to the Northeast and Central United States, 2nd Edition Christopher J. Luley, Ph.D (August 2022) and available now at the ISA book store. ISBN 978-0-9767129-3-0 Most arborists may recognize the name Christopher Luley, after all, he has been a regular contributor to both Tree Care Industry Magazine and Arborist News for a couple of decades now. …

The TreeHuggers

Written by: Scott Carlson The March 1st ,2021 TCI Magazine was the women’s issue. I read about Dawna, a lady who had had faced the challenges of the times. “Stepping away from my full-time massage-therapy career of 19 years due to restrictions related to COVID-19, I volunteered to work with our TreeHugger crew for the summer.” Her husband Denny and …

2022 ArborMaster Climbing Kit Prize Package

The Iowa Arborist Association is pleased to announce the 2022 ArborMaster Climbing Kit Prize Package for the Tree Climbing Champion (TCC), held in conjunction with the chapter’s 2022 Tree Climbing Championship (TCC) event. This climbing kit is being offered to each chapter champion (both man and woman, if applicable.) Each Prize Package Includes: Silky’s Sugoi Professional 390-33 Handsaw Buckingham Mfg’s …

President’s Message: From Emma Hanigan November 2021

Happy Thanksgiving from the IAA. I have so much to be thankful about this year.  I wanted to send a note just saying how thankful I am to be an arborist in Iowa and to our amazing Iowa Arborists Association members. Here is a quick recap of our fall and what is to come this winter. We had a ground …

Presidents Message: From Emma Hanigan 2021

What a year it has been. I have never been more proud to say I am an arborist in Iowa.  This has been a busy and trying year for so many of us. Iowans really saw the great need for our profession.  As some transitioned home the trees in their yard became much more than before, their yard trees became …