Soil Information


Textural Classification of Soils¹ 

Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles that make up the soil mass. The chart below shows the percentage of these soil fractions in the basic textural grades.

Three classifications — sandy loam, loam, and silt loam — are common surface soils; they also may occur as subsoils. The rest of the classifications are subsoils.

¹ Timber Management Field Book. USDA-Forest Service Northeastern Area NA-MR-7.

* Image Obtained From ISU Forestry Reference Handbook


Soil Composition

Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles that make up the soil mass. The chart below shows the percentage of these soil fractions in the basic textural grades.

Three classifications — sandy loam, loam, and silt loam — are common surface soils; they also may occur as subsoils. The rest of the classifications are subsoils.

¹ Timber Management Field Book. USDA-Forest Service Northeastern Area NA-MR-7.

Click Here for Article on Soil Composition and Interactions between Soils and Plants