TREE Press November 2020

November 2020 “The oak’s distinction is its insistence and its flexibility…. It specializes in not specializing.” – Logan, William Bryant in Oak: The Frame of Civilization Visit Our Website Building Sustainability: The 2020 Year-End Appeal As a Vice President for Bartlett Tree Experts, I’m keenly aware of the importance of both containing and covering the costs of doing business. I’m equally …

TRAQ Program was a Success

We had a very successful TRAQ program this week.  All attendees were masked and socially distance in tact.  We look forward in having another program in spring of 2021. The board would like to thank Jim Flott for an excellent program conducted.   We look forward in Todd Kramer coming to Grinnell for up coming Aerial Rescue and Rigging workshops on …

Presidents Message: From Bill M. Reese II 2019

Wow, this year is rapidly flying by. I can’t believe it is already the middle of October my favorite season. I am realizing with all the rain we have had this year I have no hope of getting caught up on personal out door projects. However looking back to last February we have accomplished so much as an organization. We …

International Tree Climbing Competition in Knoxville, Tennessee

The IAA this proud to announce that for the second year in a row Iowa’s Tree climbing champions competed in the International Tree Climbing Competition in Knoxville Tennessee. This year’s champions, Ashley Whittlesy and Josh Hodson were each awarded a $1000.00 Dollar sponsorship which included their entry to the competition. I asked each of them to address the membership about …